Code of Conduct and Fundamental Principles

The Teachers and the administration endeavor to develop in a child a firm foundation of character formation. In order to accomplish this aim, the school set before its students a set of principles and ideals. Violation of these principles lead to the dismissal of a student. Every student is expected to observe the regulations set forth in the hand book. Any special regulations / announcement update from time to time by the administration will have the same effect as those that are published in the hand book.

Should the student be found guilty of breaking any of the rules listed

below, he/she forfeits his/her studentship.

  1. Immoral conduct or allowing oneself to be placed in position where his/her morals are questioned.
  2. Disseminating immoral aesthetic or infidel ideas or undermining the religious and fundamental principles and ideals of the Institution.
  3. The use of profane or indecent Language, including lewd conduct or position of obscene literature or pictures.
  4. Theft, breaking locks, taps, doors, windows, entering into prohibited areas, tampering with School equipment.
  5. Irregular attendance, insubordination to Teachers, habitual inattention to class and home works, being impolite, discourteous and unclean and constant violation of any School regulation.
  6. Meeting persons of opposite sex in a deliberate planned secret manner.
  7. Indiscipline, unsatisfactory progress of the student, non-payment of fees and un-authorized absence for more than fifteen days.
  8. Use of Cell phones both in school and hostel. Anybody is found with a Cell phone will be charged a fine and the Cell phone will be ceased and will not be given back under any circumstances.
  9. Students who are late will not be permitted to enter the school and will have to return home. They will be marked absent without leave. Parents who cannot comply with this rule on punctuality will be obliged to seek admission to their child elsewhere.

Mr. B. Israel, M.A. B.Ed. M.Phil.
